I look at the pic of Mom from December and compare to now. She is eating pretty good but she still looks a lot thinner and frail. Her weight is steady on the scale. She does have a hard time getting up out of her chair now. We took a walk over to the library today and she needed the wheelchair almost as often as Dad. Pretty soon I will need two wheelchairs for them. Here she is at Chevy's eating Fajitas for lunch. She got a new red sweater on sale at Coldwater Creek. She forgot before we even left the store so I don't know what use it is to buy her anything. But then later I put it on her and she is happy. Her grooming and dressing was always so picky and she always looked so nice. Now I need to work on her dressing and combing hair and doing makeup. My sisters will tell you I'm not all that good at it but it is better than she does these days.
If only we could get past the I want to go home bit every night. She cries and argues and we try every maneuver to distract and explain and use the story book. Sometimes it works. More often we just have to work through it.
Dad is having bed sores on the back of his calves. Thus the new daily walking routine. He has a hard time with the bad discs in his lower back. But Tylenol and a three wheel walker and a wheel chair and off we go. He walks 5 minutes then rides in the chair for 10 minutes. Then he walks again until he needs to sit. He and Mom take turns in the chair. The other day we went through the park and over did it a bit. Luckily my brother-in-law came along. I ran Mom home in the wheel chair then came back for Dad. The running left me with leg cramps so I guess I need to do more myself! After a week the leg sores are going away. His skin is so thin!
Well so much for my life as a Caregiver.