Wednesday, December 22, 2010


December 22, 2010

Mom and Dad were moved from their home in Sun City into my home in Glendale. It’s only about 10 miles away but represents a momentous occasion when they abandon their independence to share a home with their daughter. It was either this or a nursing home. After Dad’s recent hospitalization for diverticulitis, it was clear they could not live alone anymore. While he was in the hospital Mom suffered a mini-stroke and went hysterical one night. It was good I was staying with her. But again it demonstrated how much they needed help. They would have loved having me move in with them but it was just not feasible for me to sell my bigger home where we would all be more comfortable. So my friend Larry helped me build in a sitting room from the third bay of the garage across the hall from their bedroom/bath suite. I got rid of my living room furniture to use theirs to make the move less traumatic for Mom. I hated giving away my furniture but it had to be done. It turned out to be a pretty nice set up. Dad was comfortable right away. Mom is taking longer to get settled.